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Most Common Java Runtime Errors and Solutions

By: Stackify
  |  October 3, 2024
Most Common Java Runtime Errors and Solutions

Java provides the essential tools and libraries to deliver exceptional results, from crafting desktop applications to developing mobile apps and complex enterprise systems. With unparalleled versatility and portability, Java is a top choice among developers and one of the most widely used programming languages globally.

However, like any programming language, Java isn’t immune to errors. Specifically, runtime errors are a frequent hurdle that developers must navigate. These errors occur when a program, although syntactically correct, encounters an issue during execution that prevents the application from running as expected.

Understanding why runtime errors occur and how to handle them effectively is crucial. Not only do these errors impact the functionality of your application, but they can also lead to severe performance issues and a poor user experience.

This blog post explores the most common Java runtime errors, what causes them, and how you can fix or avoid them. We’ll also introduce Stackify’s APM tools to monitor and manage these errors efficiently.

Why Do Java Runtime Errors Occur?

Java runtime errors happen when your code compiles correctly, but something goes wrong during the program’s execution. Unlike compile-time errors, identified by the Java compiler before the program runs, runtime errors emerge after the program has started. These errors are often due to invalid operations, incorrect logic, or external factors such as unavailable resources or network failures.

Common causes of Java runtime errors include:

  1. Null References: Attempting to access or modify an object that hasn’t been initialized
  2. Array Index Out of Bounds: Accessing an array element using an index that exceeds the array’s size
  3. Arithmetic Exceptions: Performing illegal arithmetic operations, like dividing by zero
  4. Class Cast Exceptions: Improper casting of objects between incompatible classes

Properly handling these errors is essential. Unhandled runtime errors can crash your application, corrupt data, and create security vulnerabilities. Let’s examine the most common Java runtime errors and the best practices for dealing with them.

Common Java Runtime Errors

1. NullPointerException

What is it?

A NullPointerException (NPE) is perhaps Java’s most infamous runtime error. It occurs when your code attempts to use an object reference that has not been initialized or has been set to null.

What causes it?

This error typically happens when you try to access an object’s method or field or attempt to use a null object in a way that requires a valid object reference.

How to fix it:

  • Initialize Objects Properly: Always ensure your objects are initialized before accessing their members
  • Null Checks: Add checks to ensure that an object is not null before attempting to use it.
  • Optional Class: Utilize Java’s Optional class to handle null references safely


String str = null;
System.out.println(str.length()); // Throws NullPointerException

To avoid this, check for null:

if (str != null) {

2. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

What is this runtime error?

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when your code tries to access an array element with an index that is either negative or greater than the array’s length minus one.

What causes it?

This error usually arises when loops or array operations attempt to access indices outside the array’s valid range.

How to fix it:

  • Bounds Checking: Ensure your index values are within the valid range (0 to array.length – 1)
  • Use Enhanced For Loops: Using enhanced for loops helps avoid index-related errors by iterating directly over elements


int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3};

System.out.println(numbers[3]); // Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

To avoid this, check the index:

if (index >= 0 && index < numbers.length) {

3. ArithmeticException

What is it?

An ArithmeticException occurs when an illegal arithmetic operation is attempted, such as dividing by zero.

What causes it?

This error is commonly triggered by a division operation where the denominator is zero.

How to fix it:

  • Validate Input: Always check that the divisor is not zero before performing division
  • Handle Exception: Use a try-catch block to catch and handle this exception appropriately


int result = 10 / 0; // Throws ArithmeticException

To avoid this, validate input:

if (divisor != 0) {
    int result = 10 / divisor;

4. ClassCastException

What is this runtime error?

A ClassCastException occurs when your code attempts to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.

What causes it?

This error happens when you incorrectly cast objects between incompatible classes —for instance, trying to cast a superclass instance to a subclass.

How to fix it:

  • Use the instanceof Keyword: Before casting, verify that the object is an instance of the target class
  • Avoid Unnecessary Casting: Reassess your code design to minimize the need for casting


Object obj = "Hello";

Integer num = (Integer) obj; // Throws ClassCastException

To avoid this, check the object type:

if (obj instanceof Integer) {
    Integer num = (Integer) obj;

5. IllegalArgumentException

What is it?

An IllegalArgumentException is thrown when a method receives an argument that is inappropriate or outside of the expected range.

What causes it?

This error arises from invalid method arguments that do not meet the method’s requirements.

How to fix it:

  • Validate Arguments: Always check and validate method inputs before processing them
  • Custom Exceptions: Consider creating custom exceptions to provide more meaningful error messages


public void setAge(int age) {
    if (age < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Age cannot be negative");

6. NumberFormatException

What is this runtime error?

A NumberFormatException occurs when an attempt to convert a string to a numeric type (like int or double) fails due to an improper format.

What causes it?

This error is often the result of trying to parse a non-numeric string into a number.

How to fix it:

  • Input Validation: Always validate the string format before attempting to parse it
  • Exception Handling: Use try-catch blocks to handle potential parsing errors


String s = "abc";

int num = Integer.parseInt(s); // Throws NumberFormatException

To avoid this, validate input:

try {
    int num = Integer.parseInt(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    System.out.println("Invalid number format");

How to Monitor These Errors with Stackify

Monitoring and managing Java runtime errors in real time is essential for maintaining application stability. Stackify provides powerful tools to help developers track and address these errors efficiently.

Capturing Java Runtime Errors with Stackify

Stackify APM offers robust error monitoring features that integrate seamlessly with Java applications. You can use a Java logging framework, such as Log4j, Logback, or SLF4J, to capture and send error logs to Stackify.

Step 1: Set Up Java Logging

Configure your Java logging framework to send logs to Stackify. This involves setting up an appender in your logging configuration file that directs error logs to Stackify’s error monitoring service.

Step 2: Send Error Logs to Stackify

Once configured, your application automatically sends logs, including error details, to Stackify. This centralized logging simplifies error tracking and helps you identify issues faster.

Utilizing Stackify’s Error Dashboard

Stackify’s Error Dashboard is a powerful feature that allows you to visualize and manage runtime errors efficiently. With this dashboard, you can:

  • Track Error Frequency: See how often each type of error occurs
  • Identify Root Causes: Dive into the error details and trace them back to the source code
  • Direct Access to Code: The dashboard links errors directly to the relevant code, enabling quick fixes

By leveraging these tools, you can proactively monitor errors, reduce debugging time, and ensure a smoother user experience.

Stackify APM for Java Applications

In addition to error monitoring, Stackify provides comprehensive application performance management (APM) for Java applications. Stackify APM helps you:

  • Monitor Performance: Track key performance metrics, such as response times and throughput, in real-time
  • Identify Bottlenecks: Use code-level tracing, error monitoring, and centralized log management to pinpoint performance bottlenecks in your application stack
  • Optimize Code: Gain insights into your application’s performance at the code level, allowing for targeted optimizations

Stackify APM not only helps you detect and resolve errors quickly but also enables you to enhance your application’s overall performance.


Java runtime errors are inevitable, but you can manage them effectively with the right knowledge and tools. Understanding the causes and solutions for common runtime errors like NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, and others will significantly improve your debugging process.

Furthermore, utilizing tools like Stackify for error monitoring and application performance management can help you maintain high-performing applications and a great user experience. Whether managing a small project or a large-scale enterprise system, Stackify APM will help you detect and resolve runtime error issues and more. Start improving your Java application performance and start your free Stackify APM trial today.

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Stackify's APM tools are used by thousands of .NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, Python, & Ruby developers all over the world.
Explore Retrace's product features to learn more.

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