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15 Essential Kali Linux Commands Ethical Hackers Need to Know

By: Stackify
  |  October 2, 2024
15 Essential Kali Linux Commands Ethical Hackers Need to Know

As ethical hacking continues to grow in importance, professionals require a reliable operating system to assist them in their tasks. A Debian-based distribution, Kali Linux is the go-to OS for ethical hackers and penetration testers. But why has it become the industry standard? This post will explore what makes Kali Linux essential and dive into the key commands every ethical hacker should know.

What Is Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is a specialized operating system designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Developed by Offensive Security, the OS offers a wide array of tools for cybersecurity tasks. Whether you’re a seasoned ethical hacker or a beginner, Kali Linux provides a versatile environment in which to work.

Kali Linux has pre-installed tools for various security tasks, including information gathering, vulnerability analysis, password attacks, and wireless attacks. This all-in-one package allows ethical hackers to streamline their work and focus on their main goal: identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities.

Why Use Kali Linux?

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, or pen testing, involves simulating cyberattacks to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in a system. A proactive approach to security, pen testing helps organizations understand how attackers could potentially breach their defenses. Kali Linux provides all the necessary tools for penetration testing, making it the preferred choice for ethical hackers.

Security Auditing

Security auditing involves systematically evaluating the security of an organization’s information system. A critical process, security testing helps identify gaps and ensures that security measures are effective. Kali Linux simplifies the auditing process with an extensive suite of security tools, allowing professionals to perform comprehensive assessments efficiently.

Basic Kali Linux Commands

Before diving into the advanced commands, a strong understanding of basic Kali Linux commands is essential. These commands form the foundation of your work in Kali Linux and are crucial for navigating and managing the system effectively.

1. ls

One of the most basic and frequently used commands in Linux, the ls command lists the contents of a directory. Using ls lets you quickly see what files and folders are in your current directory. For example:

$ ls

You can also use flags like -l for a detailed listing or -a to show hidden files:

$ ls -la

2. cd

The cd command, short for “change directory,” allows you to navigate between directories. For example, to move to the /usr/share directory, you would use:

$ cd /usr/share

To go back to the previous directory, use:

$ cd -

3. pwd

The pwd command stands for “print working directory” and displays the full path of your current directory. This command is especially useful when you are deep within nested directories and need to know your exact location:

$ pwd

4. mkdir

The mkdir command allows you to create new directories. For instance, to create a new directory named test, you would run:

$ mkdir test

You can also create nested directories using the -p flag:

$ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3

5. rm

The rm command is used to delete files and directories. To delete a file named example.txt, you would use:

$ rm example.txt

To delete a directory and its contents, use the -r flag:

$ rm -r directory_name

6. cp

The cp command copies files and directories. To copy a file named source.txt to a new location named destination.txt, you would use:

$ cp source.txt destination.txt

For copying directories, use the -r flag:

$ cp -r source_directory destination_directory

7. mv

The mv command moves or renames files and directories. To move a file named old.txt to a new location named new.txt, you would use:

$ mv old.txt new.txt

You can also use mv to rename directories in a similar manner.

8. grep

The grep command searches for patterns within files. It’s handy for finding specific text within large files. For example, to search for the word “error” in a file named log.txt, you would run:

$ grep "error" log.txt

You can also search recursively in directories:

$ grep -r "error" /var/log/

Advanced Kali Linux Commands

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, it’s time to explore some advanced Kali Linux commands essential for ethical hacking and penetration testing.

9. nmap

nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a powerful tool for network discovery and security auditing and is often the first tool used in the information-gathering phase of a penetration test. To perform a basic scan of an IP address or range, you would use:

$ nmap

You can also use nmap to perform more advanced scans, such as OS detection:

$ nmap -O

10. metasploit

The Metasploit framework is a staple in any ethical hacker’s toolkit and a widely used tool for developing and executing exploit code against remote targets. To start the Metasploit console, run the following:

$ msfconsole

Once inside the console, you can use a variety of commands to exploit vulnerabilities, such as:

$ use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue

11. aircrack-ng

aircrack-ng is a suite of tools used to assess the security of wireless networks, commonly used for cracking WEP and WPA/WPA2-PSK keys. To use aircrack-ng, you first need to capture packets using airodump-ng and then run:

$ aircrack-ng capture_file.cap

12. hydra

hydra is a fast and flexible login cracker that supports numerous protocols, including SSH, FTP, and HTTP, and is used to perform brute-force attacks on login credentials. For example, to perform a brute-force attack on an SSH service, you would use:

$ hydra -l username -P password_list.txt ssh://

13. john

john, also known as John the Ripper, is a popular password-cracking tool used to perform dictionary attacks against hashed passwords. To crack a password hash stored in a file named hash.txt, you would use:

$ john hash.txt

You can also specify a wordlist for a dictionary attack:

$ john --wordlist=passwords.txt hash.txt

14. netcat

netcat, often referred to as the “Swiss Army knife” of networking, is a versatile tool used for network debugging and exploration. The command can be used for tasks such as port scanning, file transfers, and creating reverse shells. To create a simple TCP connection, you would use:

$ nc -v 80

You can also use netcat to listen for incoming connections:

$ nc -lvp 4444

15. sqlmap

sqlmap is an automated tool to detect and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications and a must-have tool for web application security testing. To perform a basic SQL injection test on a target URL, you would use:

$ sqlmap -u ""

You can also use sqlmap to attempt to retrieve database information:

$ sqlmap -u "" --dbs

Kali Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

Having a cheat sheet with the essential Kali Linux commands can be incredibly helpful, especially during time-sensitive penetration tests. Below is a summary of the commands covered in this post:

  • ls – List directory contents
  • cd – Change directory
  • pwd – Print working directory
  • mkdir – Create a new directory
  • rm – Remove files or directories
  • cp – Copy files or directories
  • mv – Move or rename files or directories
  • grep – Search text within files
  • nmap – Network scanning and enumeration
  • metasploit – Exploitation framework
  • aircrack-ng – Wireless network security tools
  • hydra – Brute-force attack tool
  • john – Password cracking tool
  • netcat – Networking utility
  • sqlmap – SQL injection tool

APM and Kali Linux

Stackify APM

Application performance management (APM) plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and security of your applications. Ethical hackers can integrate APM tools like Stackify APM with Kali Linux to monitor application performance while conducting security tests. This combination helps identify performance bottlenecks and security vulnerabilities simultaneously.

For example, when performing penetration testing on a web application, you can use Stackify APM to monitor performance in real time.

Using Stackify APM, you see how the application responds to different attacks and identify areas requiring optimization or further security measures.

Stackify offers a free trial, allowing you to test the capabilities of the full lifecycle APM solution before committing to a purchase. Combining APM with penetration testing provides a holistic approach to application security, addressing both performance and security.

For more insights on integrating security into your application development process, check out the Stackify blog on DevSecOps and how to automate security testing.

You’ll be well equipped to perform thorough penetration tests and security audits by mastering these essential Kali Linux commands. Whether you’re new to ethical hacking or a seasoned professional, these tools will help you secure your systems more effectively. Combine these commands with robust APM solutions like Stackify APM to achieve optimal application performance and security.

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