In this article, we’ll explore the foundations and core concepts of the Java language and terminology.
The write-up is divided into sections, ordered alphabetically to enable fast and easy search for these definitions.
abstract – a keyword used in a class or method definition, which specifies that the method/class is not going to be instantiated, but should be inherited by other methods or classes:
public abstract class Foo { abstract void runFoo(); }
API (Application Programming Interface) – is the way to expose a set of pre-defined classes and interfaces to external clients to interact with them, without sharing the implementation details
argument – an input specified in a method call; it can be a literal value, a variable, or an expression:
void fooMethod(int argument1);
array – a fixed-size collection of data of the same type, which can hold zero or more items:
int[] array = new int[16];
autoboxing – automatic conversion between the primitive types and their corresponding object wrapper classes:
Character a = 'a';
block – code between two matching open and close braces, which is the single logical unit of work inside the application:
{ some code }
boolean – a primitive type, holding only two values – true or false:
boolean condition = false;
break – a statement used to exit a loop/switch statement/labeled block; the application continues execution with the statement immediately following the containing block:
int hour = 8; switch (hour) { case 8: //some code break; default: //some code break; }
byte – a primitive type of the size of eight bits:
byte b = 100;
bytecode – the instruction set for Java Virtual Machine, created from source files into bytecode by the compiler
case – a keyword that defines a particular group of statements executed in a switch statement:
int hour = 8; switch (hour) { case 8: //some code break; default: //some code break; }
casting – conversion from one data type to another:
Object o = "test"; String str = (String) o;
catch – the block of code inside try/catch statement, responsible for handling exceptions:
try { // code } catch (Exception e) { // exception handling }
char – a keyword used to declare a variable of single type character:
char a = 'a';
checked exception – an Exception that is caught at the compilation time, usually in the block or thrown in the method header
class – the core type in Java that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object; it defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifies the interfaces it implements and the immediate superclass of the class, by default Object:
public class Foo {}
class method – a synonym of static class
class variable – a synonym of a static field or a static variable
classpath – an environment variable or a command-line argument indicating the path searched by the Java compiler and the runtime for class definitions
comment – a piece of explanatory text ignored by the compiler:
// first comment /* comment block */ /** documentation */
compiler – a program used to translate source code into the code executed by a computer
concurrency – it is the ability of a program to run several tasks in parallel, a primary feature of multithreading
condition – a boolean expression controlling a conditional statement or loop:
if (condition) {}
constant – a final variable in Java, which means that the reference of it cannot be changed once initialized:
final int number = 20;
constructor – a method inside the class, which creates and initializes objects in it – needs to be public and names the same as the class:
public class Foo { public Foo(){}; // constructor }
continue – a keyword used to resume application execution at the end of the current loop:
for (int i=1; i<10; i++){ for (int j=1; j<10; j++){ if (condition) continue; } }
curly brackets – please refer to block
declaration – officially, this is defined as a statement that establishes an identifier and associates attributes with it, without necessarily reserving its storage or providing the implementation
default – the optional destination used in a switch statement, when neither case statement matches the requested behavior:
int hour = 8; switch (hour) { case 8: //some code break; default: //some code break; }
definition – a declaration that reserves storage (for data) or provides an implementation (for methods)
deprecation – a class/method/interface that has been made obsolete by later versions of the library or of the language itself; it should not be used as there is no guarantee that it will exist in future versions
direct recursion – a recursion that starts in the stack of the calling method itself
do – a keyword used to declare a while loop ensuring execution of the first iteration of the loop before the check of the boolean condition:
do { // code } while (expression);
DOM – Document Object Model, defined by the W3C, that allows applications to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of documents
downcast – a process of changing the data type from Object to the particular type, i.e., Integer:
Object o = 10; Integer num = (Integer) o;
double – a Java primitive type of the type double:
double lat = 52.11
else – a keyword used in if/else condition statements, executed when the test condition is false:
if (condition) { // code } else { // code }
encapsulation – the process of protecting the state of objects by defining its attributes as private and channeling access to them through accessor and mutator methods
enum – a Java keyword used to declare the enumerated type (whose values are a fixed set of constants):
exception – an exceptional circumstance preventing the program to continue working regularly (usually an error or bug); here are some best practices to deal with and further understand exceptions in Java
expression – a combination of operands and operators which causes particular behavior and produces results
extends – a keyword used to define the inheritance of classes or interfaces:
public class Foo extends FooMother {}
field – a variable defined outside of all defined methods, but inside of the class; in other words, a member of a class
final – a Java keyword indicating that an entity is immutable, thus, you can’t change its reference during the program execution:
final int number = 20;
finally – a block in a try/catch statement executed even Java exception or runtime error occurred:
try { // code } catch (Exception e) { // exception handling } finally { // code to be executed at the end
float – a Java keyword used to define a floating point number variable:
float cash = 24.5;
for – a Java control structure used for loop execution:
for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ // code }
garbage collection – the process by which the JVM automatically frees up unused memory; to go further into the GC process and potential problems in that process, you can read the deep-dive into memory leaks here
global variable – a variable that is visible to all methods in the class
GUI – graphical user interface
hash code – a value used to provide an efficient way to map object and its location, returned by a hash function
hash function – a method used to produce hash code from any data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size
hexadecimal – a number represented by the base of 16
HTML – HyperText Markup Language; a web content presentation language
HTTP(S) – HyperText Transfer Protocol (Secure); a protocol that defines all rules how the browser should communicate with a server
identifier – a name of a class, variable, method or interface defined in the code by the software developer:
String identifier = "Some string";
if – a Java control structure used to choose if execution of further actions should continue or not:
if (condition) { // code } else { // code }
immutable object – an object whose state or value is not changeable after creation
implements – a Java keyword used to indicate which interfaces are implemented by the current class:
public class Foo implements Foo { // implementation of all methods defined in the <em>Foo</em> interface }
import – a statement used to enable the use of other classes or interfaces from different Java packages:
import java.util.*;
indirect recursion – a recursion that happens when method A calls method B while a call from the method B to the method A is still in progress
infinite recursion – a recursion that can technically continue indefinitely; it very often indicates a logic error and can lead to StackOverflow errors
inheritance – a feature of object-oriented programming, where classes contain all variables and methods defined in their supertypes
int – a Java primitive of the type integer:
int number = 10;
interface – a Java keyword used to define the collection of methods and constant values that can be furthermore implemented by other classes:
public interface IFoo { void start(); void stop(); int restart(); }
iteration – a single execution of a loop
JAR – Java Archive is the default Java packaging mechanism to aggregate multiple files into one (similar to .zip)
Java Core – provides the main features of Java, also named Java Standard Edition
Java EE – Java Enterprise Edition
JDK – Java Development Kit, the environment and core libraries used to write Java programs
JVM – Java Virtual Machine, the abstract machine where the compiled Java bytecode is executed
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livelock – a situation when two separate threads are waiting for each other to check the condition of particular part of the program
local variable – a variable defined in the method body, visible only inside it
long – a Java primitive of the type long:
long bigNumber = 100L;
main method – a starting point for Java applications:
public static void main(String[] args){}
memory leak – a situation during the program execution where memory that is no longer being used cannot be removed by the garbage collector as there is still a reference to it; it eventually leads to OutOfMemoryException
method – a particular function implemented in a Java class:
public int doSthAndReturnInt();
module – a group of program components; in Java, the term that’s used for it is package
multithreaded – a program capable of concurrent execution on multiple threads
mutual recursion – this happens when two methods are calling each other recursively at the same time
namespace – an area of the program defined by packages, with established certain visibility rules (e.g. private access, public access, etc.)
native – a keyword indicating that particular method is not implemented in Java language itself, but in another programming language
nested class – a class, which is implemented inside the body of the other class
new – the operator used to create an instance of a class
null – a type indicating that object reference variable has no reference to any object existing in memory
object – an instance of a particular class; also the core concept of the OOP
OOP – Object Oriented Programming – a primary paradigm in modern software development, focused on objects as primitives, not the specific actions; each object is created/instantiated from a class
operator – a symbol used for arithmetic or boolean expressions, e.g. +,-,/,*,=
operator precedence – the order of processing conditions or equations with the multiple operators, similar to the mathematical concept of order of operations
overloading – using the same method name for various implementation, differentiated by parameters:
private int sum(int x, int y) { return (x + y); } private int sum(int x, int y, int z) { return (x + y + z); }
overriding – providing a different implementation of the original method in its subclass:
public class Foo { public void test(){ // original implementation } } public class BabyFoo extends Foo { @Override public void test(){ // overriden implementation } }
package – a name for a grouping of classes and interfaces in a namespace
primitive type – one of the following non-class variable type: boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, long or short
private – a Java modifier, used to specify the visibility of a method or a variable, so they can be accessed only within its class
protected – another modifier that makes variables or classes accessible to all other elements in the same package
public – a modifier allowing external access to a particular variable or method
recursion – a process where a method is invoked again from its existing call stack
reflection – the ability of the code to inspect and manipulate other code in the same runtime process
return – a Java keyword used to finish the execution of the method and return data back to the caller
scope – it determines the visibility of elements in the program, for example, local or global variables
serialization – the process of encoding and decoding the objects to the stream of bytes, and vice-versa
short – a keyword used to specify the variable of the type short:
short num = 2;
static – class member variable stored and accessed as a single instance for all objects of that class:
public static class Foo { public static int num = 10; public static void useMe(){ // code } }
stream – a byte-stream of data sent from sender to receiver
String – an instance of an immutable String class, containing zero or more Unicode characters:
String myText = "Hello... It's me.";
super – a keyword allowing the access to members of a class inherited by the class in which it appears
int hour = 8; switch (hour) { case 8: //some code break; default: //some code break; }
synchronized – a control statement that guarantees single-access semantics in a multithreaded environment
this – a statement that references the instance of the class where it appears
thread – a basic, single lightweight execution process supported natively by the JVM as well as by the OS
throw – a statement used to throw an Exception:
void dontUseThisMethod(){ throw Exception; }
throws – a keyword in a method header indicating that one or more exceptions will be propagated from this method:
public void startEngine() throws IOException;
try – a block of code that allows exceptions to be caught using a catch block:
try { // code } catch (Exception e) { // exception handling } finally { // code to be executed at the end
unchecked exception – an error without handler defined in the program implementation, cannot be dealt with at compilation time
Unicode – a 16-bit character set defined by ISO 10646, designed to make exchange and display of information easier across various languages
URI, URL – Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator. You can read more about the difference between these two concepts here
upcast – a process of casting to super type – for example from String to Object:
String text = "Test"; Object o = (Object) o;
variable – an item of data associated with a specific type
variable declaration – the place in the application, where the specific variable is assigned to one of the existing Java types
virtual machine – see JVM
void – a keyword used to indicate that method does not return any value
volatile – a modifier specifying how the variable behaves in a multithreaded environment; the variable will never be cached in a thread-local – as it’s expected to be modified by different threads
while – a Java control structure used for looping:
while (condition) { // code }
wrapper – an object that encapsulates primitive types into one of the classes from the java.lang package: Boolean, Byte, Character, Double, Float, Integer, Long or Short to provide additional methods
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