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What Is Regression Testing: Best Practices With Example

By: Stackify Team
  |  December 6, 2024
What Is Regression Testing: Best Practices With Example

We talked a bit about the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in a recent post, but today, we’re going to dig a little deeper into one particular and crucial element in the testing phase, particularly for Agile development: regression testing.

Definition of Regression Testing

Software testers perform regression testing on a changed or updated computer program to ensure that older software features – which they previously developed and tested – still perform exactly as they did before. One way to think about software regression is to think about somebody who implements a new air conditioning system in their home only to find that while their new air conditioning system works as expected, the lights no longer work.

Regression testing will often involve running existing tests against the modified code to make sure that the new code did not break anything that worked before the update. Regression testing can eliminate much of the risk associated with software updates. In addition to running existing tests, testers might tweak existing tests by introducing different secondary conditions as variables.

Regression testing can eliminate much of the risk associated with software updates.

The Importance of Regression Testing

With the increased popularity of the Agile development methodology, regression testing has taken on added importance. Many companies today adopt an iterative, Agile approach to software development. For example, the great many software as a service (SaaS) providers will regularly update their features or add new functionality to their offerings with each software update. To ensure their core product remains unaffected by new feature additions, these companies will perform regression testing.

Regression testing is a fundamental part of the software development lifecycle. ProtoTech Solutions illustrates the concept nicely with this graph:

Regression Testing

The Challenges of Regression Testing

While regression testing is a vital element of the QA process, there are a number of challenges it brings.

  • Time Consuming: Regression testing can take a lot of time to complete. During regression testing, testers often run existing tests again, which might make them less enthusiastic about re-running the tests.
  • Complex: As products get updated, they grow more complex, which causes the lists of tests in your regression pack to grow significantly.
  • Communicating Business Value: Regression testing ensures existing product features are still in working order. Communicating the value of regression testing to non-technical leaders within your business can be a difficult task. Executives want to see the product move forward and making a considerable time investment in regression testing to ensure existing functionality is working can be a hard sell.

Regression Testing Best Practices

As you and your team perform regression testing, there are some best practices to bear in mind.

Regularly Update Your Regression Pack

A regression pack is a collection of test cases that are performed as each new software update is completed. The scripted tests included in a regression pack are created with the requirement specifications of older versions of the software in mind.

Random or ad-hoc tests may also be included in the pack. It is a good idea to keep your regression pack up to date. Regression testing can be time-consuming, the last thing you need is to include tests that check whether an older feature which has been removed is still working.

Focus on Highly-Trafficked Paths

Highly-trafficked paths are the most frequent use cases for your application. They will include the basic functionality of your application and most popular features. You should know your core group of users and the typical features and interactions they are most reliant on. Your regression pack must include tests that ensure this core functionality is working as it should.

Re-Run Successful Test Cases

Tests that have previously identified bugs and defects are also worth including in your regression pack. Alternatively, tests that the program passes consistently are good candidates for archival.


Automated regression testing can make the process much more efficient. Running the same tests over and over again can result in testers becoming bored and losing motivation. The quality of their work might suffer as well as motivation dips. Automated regression testing can free up your testers to work on the trickier case specific tests. Automation software can handle the more tedious tests. Another consideration here is that testing software can be re-used so, even though there is an initial outlay, are making efficiency gains on an ongoing basis meaning your testing software will quickly demonstrate ROI.

What Is the Difference Between Regression Testing and Retesting?

Do not confuse regression testing with retesting. Testers perform regression testing to ensure that updated code has not caused any existing functionality to break. Retesting, on the other hand, refers to tests that are performed when a test case has identified some defects. Once testers fix the defects, they perform the tests again to ensure they have resolved the issues.

Prioritize retesting over regression testing because testers have already identified issues. Testers use regression testing to identify potential issues.

Regression Testing Tutorials and Tips

Because regression testing can involve varying types of tests, there’s no single, clear-cut method for performing a “regression test,” per say. However, there are plenty of valuable insights and informative tutorials for incorporating regression testing practices into your overall SDLC. Check out the following tutorials and guides for more insights on selecting test cases, creating and executing a regression testing plan, best practices, and more:


What Is GUI Regression Testing?

After reading this post, you now know what regression testing is. GUI regression testing is just what it sounds like: regression testing executed through the GUI (Graphical User Interface). In other words, it is testing aimed at finding software regressions by interacting with the application through its user interface, in a way as close as possible to how a real user would use the system.

Who Normally Executes GUI Regression Testing Manually, and Why Is It Important?

Testers carry out this form of testing mostly manually because automating it is hard. Tests that exercise the GUI are usually hard to write, slow to execute and very fragile, because even small changes to the UI—such as changing ids or CSS classes tend to break them.

What Is a Change Impact Analysis in the Context of Regression Testing?

Change Impact Analysis identifies the parts of the application affected by a given change. That way, it’s possible to focus your efforts only on the modules that changed, significantly reducing the amount of effort needed to carry out regression testing.

How Often Do Programming Faults Re-emerge Due to Poor Revision Control Practices?

Lack of revision control hygiene can be a factor in causing known programming issues to re-emerge. For instance, if a team doesn’t use proper CI/CD and its members take a long time to integrate their code after working in isolation, that could lead to complex merging conflicts. In an attempt to solve such conflicts, a developer could inadvertently override a fix made by a colleague, causing a bug to reappear.

What Is the Problem with ‘Fragile’ Fixes in Software Development?

Fragile fixes—i.e. fixes made without a proper quality control and end-up creating other issues—cause waste of time and money, besides reputational loss. They are the cause of regressions that upset users and taint the company’s reputation, not to mention the monetary cost of having to fix features that were already working perfectly.

When Is Regression Testing Traditionally Performed in the Corporate World?

The timing of regression testing is based on several factors, such as its size and nature, whether it employs agile methodologies, and the degree of software testing automation.

In general, testers should perform regression testing just before any (major) releases, once they have completed the coding for that particular release. Since regression testing is complex and can take time, it makes sense to implement a coding freeze once testing begins.

 In general, testers should perform regression testing just before any (major) releases, once they have completed the coding for that particular release.

Regression Testing: An Example

It’s time for me to walk you through a simple example of what a regression testing session might look like in real life.

Let’s imagine you built a CMS (content management system) for a news organization, that allows them to write, manage and publish news stories. At first, a given news story could belong to only one category—e.g. “sports.” But then a change in requirements came in: now the client wants to be able to associate a news story with multiple categories.

Identifying Risk Areas

After a change impact analysis, you identify the following risk areas:

  • -The registering page for a news story might no longer work properly
  • -Staff using the ‘manage stories’ page might notice that the searching capabilities for stories in a given category are affected.
  • -The roles and permissions systems might have been affected (how to ensure the “finance” editor doesn’t have access to the “health & fitness” stories, and vice versa?)
  • -The RSS feeds for each category could start sending duplicate stories to subscribers
  • -Story statistics and analytics might count the same story multiple times

Writing Test Cases

After identifying the risk areas, testers can write one or more test cases for each one. Ideally, we would already have test cases for at least some of the areas above in our regression pack. However, testers might not have covered some areas yet because they didn’t previously perceive them as critical, or possibly due to budgetary reasons. No problem: as you’ve seen, routinely updating your regression pack is a great practice, so now would be the perfect time to do it.

Test Case Example

Here’s an example of test case for the first risk area we identified—verifying that the story registration page correctly handles multiple categories:

1. Go to the CMS main pageThe user is prompted for log in
2. Log in as an user with the “editor” roleThe user is redirected to the “Manage User Stories” page
3. Click on the “Add News Story” buttonThe user is redirect to the “News Story Register” page
4. Add a title for the storyThe title is displayed as entered
5. Write a small body for the story, using the rich-text editor that supports markdownA preview for the story appears to the right of the input, as the user types
6. Go to the “Categories” field. Type “Spo” and waitThe autocomplete kicks-in and suggests “Sports”
7. Click on the “Sports” suggestion“Sports” is added to the box of categories with the format of a label
8. Go to the “Categories” field. Type “Mus”“Music” is suggested by the auto-complete.
9. Click on the “Music” suggestion.“Music” is added to the box of categories in the same style as “Sports.”
10. Click on “Save”The message “News story successfully saved” appears and the user is redirected to the “Manage User Stories” page.

Unpacking the Test Case Example

The example above, despite being simple, clearly demonstrates how regression testing is crucial. Even a seemingly easy change such as allowing users to associate a news story with more than one category can have far reaching implications for the behavior of a system.

However, as we’ve explained, regression testing can be quite costly, slow, and even difficult to automate. While adopting regression testing is essential, you should also look for ways to reduce the need for regression testing. In other words, if you could preemptively find problems before they even manifest, during development, you’d greatly reduce your test burden.

And a great way to achieve the above is to leverage the solutions offered by Stackify. Stackify offers a catalogue of application performance management solutions that can help you monitor your application in real time, making your system much more reliable. Start your free trial today.

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