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Which is better to Create Web Apps: Laravel or CakePHP?

  |  April 16, 2020
Which is better to Create Web Apps: Laravel or CakePHP?

Laravel development services have been growing in popularity, with the Laravel framework often being compared to CakePHP. This article will show how to choose the best framework to meet specific business or solution requirements in the most effective way. 

Laravel and CakePHP are both very popular PHP frameworks. PHP is often used for creating dynamic websites or building high-end apps.  PHP frameworks make it possible to create affordable websites with impressive UI/UX


Laravel is a PHP framework with a Model View Controller and an architectural model. The functions of Laravel include different ways of accessing database utilities for app development and maintenance. Laravel is an open-source framework for  straightforward, easy to understand coding. The MVC function provides a simpler design with thorough and efficient documentation. 


  1. Template Engine: Build layouts with dynamic content seeding with templates. They provide widgets that integrate with JS and CSS code. 
  2. ORM feature: PHP Active Record Implementation allows web app developers to use the PHP syntax to write database inquiries instead of writing SQL code. 
  3. Artisan: A built-in command-line tool that helps automate a majority of repetitive, tedious programming tasks. In creating a skeleton code, database structure, and migration management, artisans ensure easy database management. 
  4. Model-View-Controller: Supports the MVC architecture pattern that ascertains presentation layers and separates business logic. Laravel’s MVC pattern has built-in functions, increased security, and increased app performance and scalability. 
  5. Security feature: Laravel offers robust web app security so that a password is not saved as plain database text. The salted and hashed password methodology is used as well as the ‘Bcrypt Hasing Algorithm’ to generate an encrypted password. 
  6. Libraries and Modular features: Laravel includes pre-installed modular and object-oriented libraries not available in most other PHP frameworks. Laravel’s individual modules adopt contemporary principles of PHP to facilitate responsive and modular web app development. 
  7. Unit Testing: Laravel can run several unit tests to make sure new changes don’t break the web app.
  8. Database migration system: It helps in widening the web application database without re-creating them every time code is changed. 


  • The Model-View-Controller avoids the traditional architecture used to write HTML and PHP code in a single file.
  • Easy to learn with thorough documentation.
  • Blade template engine provides an easy experience as well as adding HTML file logic. 
  • In-house Redis and Memchaced support.
  • ORM support to automate database mapping with a simple convention over configuration method. 
  • Easy management and abstracting routing.
  • Artisan makes command-line applications very fast.
  • Dependency Injection simplifies testing and automation dependencies.
  • Bundles and composers provide several bundles of modular packaging systems and dependencies.  
  • Queue management for abstracting and queuing unnecessary tasks. 


CakePHP framework uses software design models and software engineering methodologies to make web app development much more appealing. CakePHP follows the MVC model and functions with a front controller, data mapping and active records to help developers build apps faster. 


  1. MVC Pattern: The MVC targets modern programming requirements. CakePHP provides a way of working on various development aspects in a vitally planned data processing system. 
  2. Class inheritance: The two main CakePHP folders enable watching and working separately. This is very effective when work runs in various codes and gets multifarious. 
  3. Extend with plug-ins: CakePHP allows you to reuse code and build on existing facilities by extending programs with new features available in the form of Components, Behaviors, Helpers, and Extensions. Easily modularize an app for evolving requirements. 
  4. ORM: ORM is used to connect various data categories to one compatible type by creating compliant class objects as well as defining relations between tables, predefined resources, validation components, and more elements. 
  5. Built-in validation features allow for flow of entities, validation methods, and features to enable easier development. 
  6. CRUD Scaffolding: This allows a preliminary view of the app that is extremely helpful for creating, modifying and updating work with complete control of production dynamics and the final outcome.
  7. Auto-Detect: CakePHP runs on auto-detect with no configuration and does not require any kind of installation or fixing at any level. 
  8. Built-in testing: Different built-in testing features help in maintaining and enhancing the development codes. 


  • With MVC support, developers use Cake to keep business logic as well as interface separate. Separation makes it easier for programmers to work on various models simultaneously. 
  • CakePHP does not require programmers to use complex YAML or XML files to set up a database and start development. Automating features allows for efficient database management. 
  • It comes with a templating system that lets programmers improve the look and feel of an app through custom templates. 
  • Code generation and scaffolding allow programmers to create prototypes and reusable code quickly to minimize the overall time of development. 
  • CakePHP lets programmers directly access Core and App directories, making it  easier to define functions for every class. 
  • CakePHP comes with built-in tools to make web apps secure and safe. 

Stackify’s Full lifecycle Application Performance Management tool, Retrace, supports both CakePHP and Laravel frameworks.  Use Retrace to continually improve PHP application performance through APM, error log integration, and server health metrics.

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