Ruby on Rails Gems is a package manager containing libraries, software packages, and utilities for standard format distribution of Ruby programs and libraries. RoR Gems have functionality with related files to help save time in web development.
Byebug is an effective solution for debugging. This gem takes time between tasks and implementing code by changing variables to perform the robust debugging function.
If you use bundler:
The Usage of Byebug:
Add byebug to initiate debugging. Here is an example of how to add byebug to your code to debug rails:
The rail server initiates:
After this, you will receive a debugging prompt.
This gem shows errors in the web page or website to help users with information. Better_errors is an advanced gem that replaces the Rail error page. Use this gem as Rack middleware in Rack application.
Binding_of_caller is mandatory for Better Errors’ advance feature, i.e., REPL, local/instance variable inspection, stack frame names.
Tip: Set config.consider_all_requests_local = true in config/environments/development.rb. If the version 0.5.0 or older, follow the above step.
ElasticSearch is an application integration for helping users search instead of scrolling.
The above gems require bundle install to run the application.
Create an admin dashboard with the help of Administrate RubyGems.
This new gem supports Rail from 4.2 and up to 5.0 and above.
The installer includes an application dashboard.
After, restart your server and visit http://localhost:3000/admin.
The only framework for building admin panels for Ruby on rails. There are plugins for an administrative style interface. The gem comes with distinctive features to simplify tasks for the developers.
Add the following to your Gemfile:
Run the installer after updating your bundle:
Migrate the database and start the server:
RMagic was the traditional library before Minimagick. The command line-option of ImageMagick is available for building the “uploading file” feature.
You can add the following gem to your gem file to initiate the installation process:
The new option for uploading and processing files in Sinatra, Ruby and other Ruby web frameworks. Use Carrierwave to add, remove, and upload versions from remote locations. Carrierwave works with S3, AWS and fits with fog gem to integrate with cloud servers.
Add the latest version
Add to your gem file in rails
Restart the server.
Tip: For Ruby 4, use 1times. This gem requires a 5.0 version and Ruby 2.2 above.
Allows image processing and compressing into the background. It bolsters Delayed Job, Resque, Sideqik, and Queue Classic.
Add the following into your Gemfile in Rails:
Running generator will create an initializer in config/initializers
Sidekiq is a simple and efficient tool for running applications in the background and simplifies the background process.
Add the above command into your gem file.
This is considered to be one of the safest data transfer systems between two parties. It is the implementation of RFC 7519OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT).
Add the above and below gem into gem file:
Run bundle install.
With security being the utmost priority, artificial intelligence is important.
How to install Devise:
Add the following to gem file:
It works with Devise 4.0 with Rails 4.1.
Run bundle install and then the generator:
It provides access to web resources via HTTP with MT-Safe design. After setting up an instance, call through several threads without synchronization:
Create a simple client:
Utilize “http_proxy” or “HTTP_PROXY instsead, HTTP proxy.
Curb is a Ruby language that binds the client-side URL transfer library. You can install Curb into Gem file:
If you are using Windows, make sure you use the DevKit and development version of libcurl. Unzip and run in your command line.
This can be used to build net:: HTTP user-agents. Below is the example of request types using persistent connections:
: start creates a connection to the HTTP server kept open for the duration of the block. There are request types Net:: HTTP described below:
Here is the request class:
It is used for making requests from Ruby. The method is used for chaining system to build requests, similar to Python’s request. Http.rb uses http_paser.RB to parse native extensions based on node.js parser and Java port.
Add below line to app’s gem file:
Then executes,
Or you can install by yourself as
Inside of your Ruby Programs do
A test framework for web applications, running with RSpec. The gem is responsible for the user’s prompt action and suggests various methods of tests and debugging.
It requires Ruby 2.4.0 and above version. And to install, add it to gem file and run bundle install
Add below line to help test helper file:
If the application is not a Ruby app and a rack app,set to your Rack app:
Using Javascript or remote URL requires a different driver. If using Rails 5.0 and above and not using the Rails system test from 5.1, swap the ‘server’ to launch the app in Puma to match Rails result:
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